At the close of one of the late D. L. Moody's meetings in Agricultural Hall, London, a man deeply convicted of sin inquired of him the way of salvation. The preacher was exhausted with the efforts of the day's work; but seeing the reality of the man's concern and knowing full well the power of the Word of God, he replied: "My friend, if I talked with you all night I couldn't tell you any more than what I am about to say. Go home, open your Bible, turn to Isa. 53:6. Go in at the first all, and come out at the last.”
The man was amazed. He stood watching the retiring preacher. Filled with curiosity he opened his Bible at the words: "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”
He went in at the first, and he came out at the last. The burden was gone.