A good many years ago in Norway some men were working on the roof of a very high building. One of the men slipped, and before he could catch hold of anything to save himself from falling, he had rolled off the edge of the roof and fallen to the ground.
The other workmen were sure he would be killed, and came down the ladder as fast as they could to see where he was. They were very much surprised to find that he was not dead, and didn’t even have as much as a bruise on him!
Beside him on the ground was a lamb, bruised, bleeding, and almost dead. The lamb had been standing on the grass just under the place the workman had rolled off the roof. He had fallen on its back and the lamb had saved his life—for if it had not been there the man would surely have been killed.
This story reminds us of Jesus, the Lamb of God, who suffered in our stead. If He had not been willing to “His own self bare our sins in His own body or the tree” (1 Peter 2:24), we would have to bear the punishment of God for our sins.
But perhaps some of our readers have not yet come to the Lord Jesus and taken Him as their Saviour. Do so at once while the day of salvation is still and He will make you so happy in knowing that your sins are forgiven.
We would seek to point you to the Saviour, as John the Baptist did when he saw Jesus coming toward him, and he said,—BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD, WHOM TAKETH AWAY THE SIN OF THE WORLD.” John. 1:29.
ML 09/12/1943