A Lesson From a Dove

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
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“Mommie! We found a bird!” shouted Joel as he burst in the door. “Come see our bird!” I went outside with Joel and saw that Daddy did have a small bird in his hand.
“It’s a little dove,” Daddy said. “The wing has been injured, and we walked right up to it and picked it up.”
“We want to take care of it!” the children said. So we brought some bread crumbs outside, and all five of the children gathered around to watch the bird eat. But, of course, the poor little dove was so afraid of us it would not eat.
“Maybe it’s thirsty,” someone suggested. So we brought water, but the bird would not drink either. Daddy knew what the problem was, and so he explained, “With all of us crowded around the dove, it’s too scared to eat. Let’s put the bird down on the ground and get back a few feet.” We all stepped back several feet away from the bird. Still it did not eat. We had done all that we could think of to care for the dove, but it was not at peace even several feet away from us. It would not trust us, so it could not enjoy the things we had offered it. The poor bird only wanted to hop farther away.
We began to think about the lesson our dove was teaching us. Our kindness was not enjoyed by the bird because it was not at peace with us; it did not trust us. God’s Word tells us of many kindnesses and wonderful blessings that God is offering us.
If you are not enjoying the love of God, His promise of a happy home in heaven and many other good things, perhaps it is because you are not at peace with God. Maybe you know that God cannot be pleased with some of the things that you have said or done. You cannot excuse your sins and enjoy God’s love at the same time!
The Bible tells us that the Lord Jesus “made peace through the blood of His cross” (Colossians 1:20). He suffered for our sins and shed His precious blood so that He can freely offer us the forgiveness of sins. Believe in the Lord Jesus today, and you will have peace with God and can begin to enjoy all the good things that God has to give. “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:1).
The little dove was not at peace with us because it did not know that we did not want to harm it but only to do it good. It is God’s great joy to bless those who accept His Son, the Lord Jesus, as their Saviour. “Acquaint now thyself with Him, and be at peace” (Job 22:21).