A Letter from Gramma and Grampa: The Lost Certificates

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 4
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Dear Children,
I am sitting in a chair, looking out through the kitchen window at our creek, which is still covered with ice. Last week we had two wolves out there on the ice. Gramma and I were watching them play with a stick. First, one had the stick, then the other had it, and they would chase each other. We both had a good laugh watching them. And then suddenly they stopped, looked around, lifted their noses, and away they went. I wonder what they heard and then smelled that made them take off.
But I’m not writing today to tell you about wolves; I’m writing to tell you about what happened to our young friend Ryan. He was given some gift certificates and went to a shopping mall with his dad to see what he might like to buy with those certificates. (Maybe you children know that gift certificates are just as good as money.) So after parking the car, they walked together into the mall.
After checking some of the stores, Ryan decided what he would like to buy. He reached his hand into his pocket to bring out the gift certificates  .  .  .  but they weren’t there! He knew he had put them in his pocket, and he blurted out, “Dad, I’ve lost them!” His dad suggested they walk back to the car the same way they had come in, and maybe they would find them. Nope  .  .  .  they couldn’t find them anywhere!
Now then, children, what would you do if this happened to you?  .  .  .  The money is lost!  .  .  .  It’s gone!
Let me tell you what happened to a man in the Bible named Peter who almost lost his life and needed help. Peter was in a boat; it was dark and windy; the waves were high. As he was looking out over the sea, he saw someone walking on the water. He got scared, and then he heard a voice say, “It is I; be not afraid” (Matthew 14:27). It was the voice of the Lord Jesus. Peter answered, “Lord, if it be Thou, bid me come unto Thee on the water.” The Lord Jesus said, “Come.” Peter got down out of the boat and started to walk on the water! But, he forgot to keep his eyes on the Lord Jesus, and he started to sink! He shouted out, “LORD, SAVE ME”! Peter really needed help now. And immediately the Lord Jesus reached out His hand and caught him! Peter was rescued! Isaiah 59:1 tells us, “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear.” The Lord Jesus heard Peter and saved him!
Now then, Ryan and his dad both know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. As they made their way to the courtesy desk in the mall to report the lost certificates, they asked the Lord Jesus to help them find the certificates.
At the courtesy desk, the smiling clerk asked, “What can I do for you?” Ryan’s dad told her the problem of the lost certificates. She listened very closely to their problem. Then, still smiling, she reached down into a drawer and picked up an envelope and gave it to Ryan’s dad and asked, “Is this what you are looking for?”
Oh, joy! There were the gift certificates!  .  .  .  all of them! Some honest person had already found them and turned them in! “Thank you, Lord Jesus, for that answer to our prayer!” “Before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear” (Isaiah 65:24).
This story has a very happy ending. But, dear children, you have something far more precious than gift certificates. It is your soul! Your soul is going to live forever and ever. Children, do not be careless with your soul and lose it in the lake of fire! The Lord Jesus paid a great price to have you in heaven with Himself! You know, when Ryan realized his gift certificates were lost, he did not waste a moment in searching for them. Have you found the Lord Jesus as your Saviour? If not, do it now! “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).
Lots of love to all of you,