A Letter From Grandpa: the Coyote and the Cat

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 4
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“Whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.”
Proverbs 29:25
Dear Children,
Let me tell you about the coyote and the cat!
The clock said 6:00 a.m. It was time to get up. So up I get, and look out the bedroom window as there are trees and a pond in our front yard. We also have a creek flowing through our backyard. One morning we had about 100 Canada geese in our backyard, eating the corn we had put out. This morning I was surprised to see a coyote in the front yard. He was sitting watching the cat that was fairly close to him.
Well sir, the coyote got up from his sitting position and moved slowly toward the cat. Now then, that cat started to walk toward the coyote! The cat had only moved five feet when the coyote retreated. The cat stopped as well. They watched each other for about two or three minutes, then the coyote moved toward the cat again! The cat started to walk toward the coyote as well, but again the coyote retreated, and again the cat stopped too.
Little did the cat realize it was gradually losing its only place of safety, which was a big tree not far behind it. The coyote knew what it was doing; it was luring the cat away, bit by bit, from that tree and safety. Then it would suddenly charge, and the cat would have no place to run or to climb for safety, and Mr. Coyote would kill it!
Children, I thought about Satan trying to lure you boys and girls away from Sunday school where you learn about the Lord Jesus Christ and how much He loves you. Satan puts things in front of your eyes that are sin - he will whisper in your ears things that are wrong. He says, “Go ahead and do it. No one will ever know.” But God knows! God sees! God hears! John 8:44 tells us that Satan is the father of lies, but John 1:17 tells us that “grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.” We can always be sure that what Jesus says is right and true.
But now I know you want to find out what happened to the cat. I called to Grandma to come and watch. Well sir, she didn’t like what she saw at all! She ran out the front door, down the steps, screaming at the coyote with all her might! It was kinda funny, but I didn’t let her see me laughing as I probably would have been scolded for letting it go this far. The coyote took off, and the cat was saved. Grandma was happy. I was too. I wouldn’t have let the coyote get the cat either.
Dear children, the Lord Jesus Christ came to save us from going down to hell. Have you come to Him for that place of safety? He loves you and will wash your sins away just as soon as you tell Him you believe He came to die for your sins. Will you trust Him today? “Whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe” (Proverbs 29:25).
Love, Grandpa