My Dear Friends,
A young man recently said to me, "It scares me that so many vital decisions must be made when we are young and immature."
Many of us are at this moment making lifelong decisions: deciding whether to go farther in school, choosing a vocation, or a marriage partner. These decisions will mark or shape the whole of our lives, yet they must be made at a time when we have the least experience and accumulated knowledge. This is what was causing my young friend so much frustration and anguish.
Our hearts go out to young people who are in earnest, yet are honestly perplexed as to what to do—what choice to make. The world seems like a maze. Then, too, pressures are often exerted from all sides. Some people beckon this way, and some things that way.
But we find as we grow older, that important decisions daily confront us-that one's life is full of choices.
The believer has a tremendous advantage over the man of the world in this area of decision making. As children of God through faith in Christ Jesus, we have One to guide and direct us. Our God and Father delights in our, depending on Him, for this expresses trust and confidence. Oh, may we know more of His heart of love toward us!
There was a young man Moses-who decided to identify himself with God's people, "choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God,... he endured, as seeing Him who is invisible" (Heb. 11:25-27). He had his eyes on God-on the future- and thus made his choice.
But there was a situation in that young man's life when he didn't have his eyes on God, but "looked this way and that way" (Exod. 2:12). He was being influenced by the fear of man. He had a desire to do the right thing, but he wasn't guided by the Word of God.
Dear young Christian friend, you have the very resources of God at your disposal if you will but use them! "In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." Pro. 3:6.
"I will guide thee with Mine eye" (Psalm 32:8). "Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to Thy word." Psalm 119:9.
Let us not lower our standards to the level of those about us, nor let us be looking "this way and that way" for direction or approval from others. But let us be looking to Jesus and into His Word, and so be guided in all that we do. Then we shall not find decision-making "scary." Another has said, "All our difficulties result from the neglect of God's Word."
We may not have much experience or knowledge, but "the sheep hear his voice" (John 10:3, 4). He goes before us in the way of life and of faith, and in this manner the young—and older too—are kept.
The wise of this world—without reference to God's will—wish to know everything, but are often deceived. Let us be simple and quietly listen for the great Shepherd's voice; then we shall be led aright.
The young man, Moses, learned the secret of victory, and in later life could say to the people, "Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD.... The LORD shall fight for you." In this attitude of soul the Lord could say to him, "Go forward." (Exod. 14:13-15.) Likewise as to ourselves, there is no other way for blessing, peace, or to give honor to the Lord Jesus, who died for us and lives for us.
In closing, my friends, one more thing. In our looking to God and His Word for direction and help, let us be prepared for stubborn resistance from our worst enemy-self. We shall find as we seek to go on in a way pleasing to the Lord, that it is often contrary to our own thoughts and plans, as well as to those of others who seem to have a concern for us. But if we would live happy and fruitful lives, it can only be found in death to self and a complete surrender to our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.
"Bear not a single care thyself,
One is too much for thee;
The work is Mine, and Mine alone;
Thy work-to rest in Me."
Affectionately in the Lord
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