Hannah was a Christian lady who lived in the jungles of Africa, where the wild beasts prowl about and roar at night, hunting for food. She lived on a mission station where there were other missionaries, but she had a little mud brick house with thatched roof all her own.
Hannah loved the Lord Jesus, and it was her joy to trek through the bush, to visit people in the villages far from the mission station and tell them of the Lord Jesus, God’s beloved Son. He loves all the people of the world, and died to put away the sins of all who trust Him, and to set them free from the power of Satan, the great enemy of their souls.
The African sun had set and it was dark. Hannah heard a noise which seemed to come from the cattle kraal. Thinking it was perhaps a hyena looking around for something to eat, she lit the lantern and set it outside the back door of her little home. Perhaps he would be frightened away by the light, she thought. Then she prepared to settle down for the night.
But what was her surprise when she found out that the noise she heard was not that of a hyena, but of a lion! This was the great beast all dreaded, for now and again he Would come and take the lives of some of the villagers. There he stood right at the window, looking in at her.
It was a dreadful moment for Hannah, as she thought how the lion might spring right in through the window into her house after her! And that is just what he did!
Now God never forsakes those who trust in Him as Psa. 46:1 tells us: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Again, “The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knoweth them that trust in Him.” Nah. 1:7.
With all the strength and speed she could muster, Hannah dashed outside, closed the door behind her; and rushed off, screaming for help, Then help did come, for her cries rang out through the mission station. Soon African and missionary friends came with weapons to rescue her. The lion disappeared. The Lord, we believe, had already sent the great beast away.
That was a narrow escape for Hannah! How grateful they all were to the Lord for keeping her safe from the terrible claws of that powerful enemy.
We read about another lion in the Bible who also “walketh about seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). He is the devil, the enemy of God and man. There is no power on earth greater than he, except the power of God. Only those who have trusted the Lord Jesus as their Saviour are safe from his attacks. They are “kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation.” 1 Peter 1:5. Christians are told to resist the devil, “steadfast in the faith.” (1 Peter 5:8,9).
Those who do not flee to Christ for refuge will one day find that the great enemy of their souls has carried them down to eternal ruin, and that, unsaved as they are, their end will be in the lake of fire.
Safe in Christ, the weakest child
Stands in all God’s favor;
All in Christ are reconciled
Through that only Saviour.
Safe in Christ; safe in Christ!
He’s their glory ever;
None can pluck them from His hand,
They shall perish never.
ML 03/03/1968