“Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.” Psa. 50:15.
A TINY little fellow of about three or four years old had climbed, as little boys, and even some little girls, are too fond of doing, upon a large pile of wood in a farm yard. He did not think when he was climbing up how he was to get back; indeed, he did not once stop to think, until his companion called out,
“Mind, Bertie, you will fall.”
He then looked down, and got so frightened; but what do you think he did? Why, he raised his head, and put up his little hands, and said,
“God help this boy.”
Instead of falling, he seemed to gain courage after he had said his little prayer, and got down in perfect safety.
Bertie’s father and mother are Christians, and have taught their little ones to love God, and to trust Him at all times: and that if they know He gave His only begotten Son to die to save them (John 3:16), and wash them in His precious blood, they will love to look to Him, not only in trouble and sorrow and danger. but to expect Him to come for them to take them to His Father’s house, to be there forever with Him.
“In My Father’s House are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am there ye may be also.” John 14:2, 3.
They will not only long to go there. but they will also desire to tell their companions about Him, that they may be happy, too.
ML 08/27/1922