"A Little Child Shall Lead Them."

(Isa. 11:6).
NOT long ago we received the following account of the conversion of an aged atheist by a little child. The little boy, Frank –, often met the old man in the street, and one day he stopped him, and said, “Do you love God, old man?” The old man answered, “No, you silly fool, there is no God.”
“Oh, but there is,” said Frank. “Mr. F., in England, has it up in his shop. He loves God, and so do I.”
The old man walked away, and not long after he was taken ill. Frank asked if he might go and see him, and was given permission, if he did not stay long. However, he was gone for two hours, and when his anxious mother went, at last, to look for him, she found the old man in tears. He said, “I have just been born again, at my time of life. My old bones ache, but, oh, how I do wish I could be as this little chap again! He has shown me the light through his child’s eyes.” His face shone like the sun, and friends who say he used to be a devil now say he radiates sunshine. He and Frank are inseparable, and the hard heart of the old atheist has become as the heart of a little child. Is anything too hard for our God?