A Little Child.

Listen from:
(Luke 18:15-17).
“A little child” may rest
In God, whose name is Love;
Who, in His Son, His love express’d;
The sent One from above.
“A little child” may pray
To God, in Jesus’ name;
He loves to hear us “Father” say.
And owns His children’s claim.
“A little child” may sing
Of Jesus’ worth and ways;
And Worship to the Father bring.
With those who hymn His praise.
“A little child” may learn
To do God’s holy will;
And if for this his bosom yearn,
His wish will God fulfil.
“A little child,” whose heart
To Jesus has been given,
Shall rise, when all the saints depart.
And dwell with Christ in heaven.
ML 10/23/1904