"I am the youngest child of six. My brothers and sisters were all saved, and often told me about my need of a Savior; so did my parents and my teacher in the Sunday School. Still, I remained without Christ. Some Children's Meetings were held in the Hall where our School is, and many boys and girls were anxious, and waited to be spoken with in the after meetings. I felt very miserable, especially when I heard them say they were saved. One night I felt a load on my heart, and waited also. A gentleman spoke to me; he told me how Jesus would save me if I only trusted Him, and read this verse-'I will trust and not be afraid' (Isa. 12:2). He asked me if I could say that. I saw then it was all in trusting: I did trust Jesus and He saved me. I am happy now."
NELLIE O (Aged 8 years)