"A Little Longer"

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 1
A LITTLE longer yet, a little longer,
And He whose right it is to reign shall come,
The Savior, from our-crimson sins who washed us,
Will leave His Father's throne to take us home.
A little longer yet, a little longer,
To show His death—until that moment dear,
While hosts angelic raptly are regarding—
'Tis thus the " babes and sucklings " praise Him here.
A little longer yet, a little longer,
The place of weakness, in the outcast's name,
But oh, forever in His cross to glory
Whereby He put the world, and me, to shame.
A little longer yet, a little longer;
The Whole creation travails in her woes;
But Christ, the great Deliverer, is coming,
Earth, owning Him, shall blossom as the rose.
A little longer yet, a little longer,
And " Thou art worthy," shall be sounding free,
Oh, holy One I Oh, true One! Thou art worthy!
Through sorrow and' in joy we sing to Thee.
A little longer yet, a little longer,
Oppression, and the countless shapes of sin;
But wisdom's city stands, with open portal,
And He who builded all things dwells therein.