Father, I’m but a little child,
I know not how to go,
I cannot take a step for Thee,
Except Thy word I know.
I would be led, and taught by Thee,
The narrow path to tread;
Would follow in the steps of Him,
Who suffered in my stead.
I would Thy will now seek to do;
For Thee each day to live
In every virtue, good and true—
I ask Thee, grace to give.
Jesus, the perfect pattern, Thou,
I’d copy after Thee;
The eye of faith would upward turn,
While Thou dost strengthen me.
Then may I spend the little time,
While waiting Thy return,
In speaking of Thy love and power,
Which cause my heart to burn.
A little pilgrim, sent to tell,
The message of Thy love;
The grace of God to man and child.
Good tidings from above.
ML 12/02/1900