204. A Little Talk With Jesus
A little talk with Jesus —
How it smooths the rugged road,
How it seems to help me onward,
When I faint beneath my load:
When my heart is crushed with sorrow,
And my eyes with tears are dim,
There is naught can yield me comfort
Like a little talk with Him.
And I fain would be at rest,
And I’m daily, hourly longing
For a home upon His breast;
And He answers me so sweetly,
In tones of tenderest love,
"I am coming soon to take thee
I know the way is dreary
But a little talk with Jesus
Will while away the time:
And yet the more I know Him,
And all His grace explore,
To know Him more and more.
I cannot live without Him,
None can with Him compare —
The chief among ten thousand,
So I’ll wait a little longer,
And glory in the knowledge
That such a hope is mine;
Then in my Father’s dwelling
I’ll sweetly talk with Jesus,
And He shall talk with me.