"A Little While"

Entering upon another year, the child of God can look up and know the heavenly home draws nearer. Is the prospect bright to the reader?
My heart was cheered by a young friend recently, who told me of his conversion, hearing the way of salvation from the lips of an aged couple. The old man going out in the Lord’s service received a sudden home call, and my friend was one of those sent to break the news to his dear partner of so many years. Instead of the grief, which seemed natural, her heart was occupied with the joy: he had entered into “with Christ.” Now, in happy communion with her Lord, she is treading the few more steps of the wilderness journey, waiting for that glad moment of reunion.
“O morn, too bright for mortal eyes.” What a moment of supreme joy it will be when we shall be “caught up, together with them, to meet our Lord in the air.” May our hearts be comforted as we wait, and in obedience to His word may we hear His voice. “Occupy till I come.”
A. A. L.