A Little Word of Counsel

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 10
LITTLE children need the loving care and the strength of the Lord for them quite as much as grown-up persons do in their trials. You have your little worries as much as old people have theirs, and there is only one way for you to overcome, and that is by going to the Lord for strength.
When a trial of your temper or patience comes you cannot fight it in your own strength, but if you look off from the trial to Jesus, even if it be but a very little look, strength will come from Him to help you. The more often you go in this way to the Lord, the more you will find Him as your strength, and thus the things which once made you very cross and disagreeable, will only make you go to the Lord for strength.
Do not keep thinking how unkind so-and-so is, or how selfish someone else is, but think of the Lord Jesus. This will be a cure for your vexation about your troubles, indeed it will. And the Lord has not only died for you and made you His for heaven, He also lives for you, and would have you know Him as your friend and your strength for earth.