To the Editor of “Gospel Gleanings.”
Dear Mr. Editor, In your October number you give an account of a “Dying Gipsy,” and it may interest your readers to know what the grace of God is even now doing with a living member of those strangely interesting people.
This man (whose name we need not give) heard the gospel last year in the hop fields, where so many of these wanderers congregate in the autumn, and the seed sown fell into good ground. His wife is an earnest Christian, and no doubt her example and her prayers have been blessed of God, according to 1 Pet. 3:1. It is her custom to walk six miles each Lord’s day to hear the word of God, and one Sunday, last winter, her husband accompanied her. As they trudged along she heard him say, as if to himself, “Now is the day of salvation,” and she questioned him as to his meaning.
“I mean,” was his reply, “that now, today, is the day of salvation to me; I have today accepted the Lord Jesus as my Saviour.”
Overjoyed, the poor woman introduced him to a fellow Christian on arriving at the place of meeting, to whom also her husband made a good confession of his faith in Christ. Since then the change in his life has been marked, and amid much persecution he has continued steadfast in the faith, letting his light so shine before men that they may see his good works and glorify his Father which is in heaven.
It is sweet to know that in these closing moments of the “day of salvation” the grace of God is magnifying itself, by bringing one and another to own their lost condition and to receive empty-handed all the riches comprised in the word “salvation.”
May many of your readers know the blessedness of simply accepting the Saviour whom God has Himself provided!
Yours faithfully in Christ, * * *