A Marvel of Grace

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
“You will be interested in hearing that one of the hymns in Vol. 2., “God’s Glad Tidings” ― “Arise, He calleth thee,” has been blessed to a poor mad creature in this village. I have often seen her just when she was quiet, but could never get a word out of her when, I spoke of Jesus―only sullen silence. Last Thursday this volume was lent her, and her keeper, a most ignorant woman, knelt down by her bedside and read some of the hymns to her, this one among them. It was really made a blessing to her; and twice that I have seen her since she has borne good testimony to the change especially once, when she met me with a happy smile, saying, “God has been so good to me that book, that book, ‘He calleth thee!’ And He called me, and He’s given me sweet peace―yes, sweet peace, in my heart―I feel it there. I’m very bad, my brain affected, I try to bite everybody, I bite myself, they have to tie me very tight; but I’m happy when I’m well it’s only the last few days I’ve felt this peace.”
The last time I went to see her she was dreadful―tied to the bedpost (I could not go up to her); and her voice was awful as I heard it downstairs―like a beast’s voice, if you can imagine one speaking―but I feel sure she is the Lord’s, and will be with Him, when He takes her.
E. R.