“And the LORD came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak: for Thy servant heareth.” 1 Samuel 3:10.
I want to ask you to read the third chapter of the first book of Samuel, and if you do, you will realize that God was calling a little boy by his name. God not only called him once but again and again, and when little Samuel realized who was calling, then he answered.
But was it not wonderful that God should call a little boy by name—not someone great or noble, but a little boy? The 10th verse of our chapter tells us that the Lord called “as at other times.” How gracious that God should speak again and again, and wait for some response from little Samuel. When Samuel did answer, God gave him a message.
I wonder whether you have ever thought that Jesus is calling YOU. I want you to realize that today He is calling, not only to grown-ups, but to boys and girls. There is a message for YOU—it does not matter how young you may be—Jesus is calling YOU.
We read in Matthew’s Gospel that when the Lord Jesus was here in this world, He called a little child unto Him. How wonderful that was! That little child could say afterward, “Jesus called me and I came to Him.” It may be that you have not yet responded to the call of Jesus, but do you realize who is calling to you? It is God’s own dear Son who came from glory into this world to die for sinners upon the cross. The Bible tells us that He came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Listen to His loving call: “Come unto Me.” “Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God.” Mark 10:14. Jesus blessed the children who were brought to Him when He was here, and today He is calling YOU that He might bless you. Have YOU been like little Samuel? Have you responded to His call? Do not delay, but come.
Jesus is calling YOU.
ML 11/28/1954