A Miracle of Grace

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 8
A few years ago a "Gospel Tent Campaign" was being carried on in the city of Auckland, New Zealand, and many were brought to accept Christ as their Savior and Lord. Among them was Bill Martin, an inveterate gambler, who made his living by conducting a gambling saloon. His conduct had been so bad that his wife had been compelled to leave him.
One night, penniless and broken, a regular "down and out," Bill was walking along the street toward the wharf, with the intention of dropping quietly over the end into the darkness. He said afterward, that he intended to "escape the misery of his wasted manhood." Passing down Queen Street, he saw the gospel tent and was attracted by the singing. He had never been under the sound of God's Word, but that night he found the Savior and the Savior found him!
He wrote immediately to his wife and told her of the happy change that had taken place in his life. Letter after letter was written to her—and ignored; and when she saw him on the street she took no notice of him.
At the converts' meeting at the close of the mission, Bill was present. Under deep emotion, he said: "I entrusted my soul for safe keeping into the hands of Christ five weeks ago. I have been thinking hard since then, and it seems to me that if it is worthwhile to commit my deathless self to Him, it is worth committing all that I am and have. I here and now dedicate my life to Him to do with it what He wills.”
Martin had remarkable faith in his prayer-answering God who began to give him most wonderful answers to his petitions. The first prayer God answered was to find suitable employment. Then he began to pray for his wife. The night he was baptized, the first person who met him at the door was his wife. Sobbing, she said: "Bill, I want you to come home and to pray for me." Soon she was soundly converted.
A year later, when the American fleet was at Auckland, Bill gave a gospel message before some of the men. He said, "Men, if you doubt the power of the old gospel, find out from someone what I was a year ago! Then come with me to my home and see my wife and happy children. Then you will know there is a deep reality in the things we have been presenting to you." How true it is that "the gospel of Christ... is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth." Rom. 1:1616For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. (Romans 1:16). Through believing the gospel of God's matchless grace, even the vilest sinner becomes a new creature in Christ Jesus—cleansed from sin, clothed in Christ, and meet to dwell with Him in glory.
God's salvation is great, but it is also simple—so simple that a little child can grasp its meaning—and trusting the Savior, he finds eternal life and abiding peace.