a Name Which Is Above Every Name.

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
NAME of power all names transcending,
Tower of strength, and Rock of might;
Shield of help, from foes defending,
Armor for the deadliest fight.
Name of peace, 'mid Sinai's thunder,
Peace, the fruit of Calvary's shame;
Wisdom, grace, delight, and wonder
Triumph in this peerless name.
Name of beauty there beholding!
Countless hues of glory shine;
Magnifying, while upholding
Every attribute divine.
Name of fragrance! richest treasure—
Name of joy, all joys above!
Grace and truth in fullest measure,
Harmony of light and love.
Name of rest—of health and healing—
Balm for e'en the sorest smart;
God's own spring of life revealing—
Food to satisfy the heart.
Name alone that brings salvation
Now in this accepted day;
Name of victory! all creation
Soon shall own its rightful sway.
All the powers of hell can never
Dim the luster of this name;
Yesterday, today, forever,
JESUS, Thou art still the same!