WHITHER, O soul? To yonder zone of bliss,
Dost thou this moment tread thy hasty way?
To God? To Christ? To glory, happiness?
Oh! whither, soul, oh! whither bound today?
Life's cares beset, and loves of time are sweet,
And earth is full of seeming glory now;
The subtle tempter oft thine ear will greet,
He offers still a world for one low bow.
'Tis well the voice of wisdom greets thine opened ear,
And tells of Jesus on the Father's throne.
“Arise, depart"—oh! heed the message clear—
“From this dull land of sin, of death and moan.”
Thy life is brief, sin's pleasures but a dream;
The waking morn will bring the judgment day;
How can a sinner pass the fated stream
And master death in that unequal fray?
Know'st thou THE MAN who crossed the awful flood
O'er whom its waves in fullest tide did roll?
He conquered hell; He glorified His God,
Atoned for sin, once offering up His soul.
Oh I pause; bethink thee, man, and turn to Him,
The gracious Lord, in yonder glory bright;
The world is dark, its brightest scenes are dim,
But there above is joy, and love, and light.
J. M. C.