The dead cannot praise God; and you are a sinner, “dead in trespasses and in sins.” The shadow of death is over you, for the “soul that sinneth it shall die,” and it darkens every moment of your life. Would you like to live for God this year? To have the new song put into your mouth, even praise to your God? When Israel were saved from Egypt they began to praise; and directly you are saved from sin, and death, and hell, you will praise, but not before. A dying Christian cried, “Victory! Victory! Shout victory! Nearly gone; almost home. I am ready! He is come! He is come!” And so he passed away praising God. It is all Christ. “If you have Christ, you have all; without Christ you have nothing. You can be happy without money, without liberty, without parents, without friends, if Christ is yours. “If you have not Christ nothing can make you truly happy. Christ without anything is riches beyond telling; all thingsĀ· without Christ is poverty indeed.” So said a dear Christian, and so would every Christian who loves Christ today.