A New Year's Appeal

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 4
How does this New Year find you, dear reader? Are you for Christ, or against Him? Which, oh, which? I earnestly ask you: what think you of Christ? Do not cast the question away from you, but put it to your own heart and answer it truthfully.
You are either saved or unsaved: serving Christ, or Satan: in the narrow road leading to glory, or treading the downward path to hell. You will spend eternity either with Christ, or solemn thought! —in eternal banishment from Him. Again I ask you, Which is it? Which will it be for eternity, heaven or hell? Blessed it is for you if you can say:
"Now I can call the Savior mine,
The' all unworthy still;
I'm sheltered by His precious blood
Beyond the reach of ill.”
Beloved, if this be the language of your heart, it is well with you; and I would just say, be true to the One who loved you and gave Himself for you, and who is coming to receive you to Himself!
Do not talk, I pray you, about "reforming" and "turning over a new leaf." New Year resolutions will not do. Reformation is not SALVATION; turning over a new leaf is not accepting CHRIST Nothing else will stand. God wants none of your doing. As someone once said: "'Snow water' is not enough to cleanse, nor 'filthy rags' to clothe; but the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ is enough for everything.”
And now one parting word. God in boundless grace offers to "whosoever will" "the water of life freely"; but remember, it is now He offers it. "Now is the day of salvation"; beware how you neglect it!
“‘All things are ready'; come.
Tomorrow may not be;
Oh, sinner, come; the Savior waits
This hour to welcome thee.”