A Note About Christian Truth

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 11
Perhaps all who are now reading this little magazine will be interested to know something of its history. Doubtless some have been reading the Christian Truth for a number of years and have perhaps known something about it and possibly even known some of those who have been responsible in publishing it and their desire to put forth truth in written form.
In God's dealings with His people, Israel, we have things which were "written aforetime... for our learning." Rom. 15:4. And also in 1 Cor. 10:11 it says, "Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come."
Considering then, how that God carried on His work at that time, surely we can profit in seeking to follow the ensamples or types set forth for us. First of all we see how that Moses was raised up and then trained of God in His school and then used to bring Israel out of Egypt and through the wilderness. Next we see Joshua prepared and suited to carry on another phase of God's work with His people to bring them into the land of promise. Many battles were fought and inheritances were meted out to the different tribes but still there remained much land to possess. Thirdly the judges follow on in their respective part in the work of the Lord with His people.
In the last part of the previous century and in the early part of the 1900s, J.T. Armet was used much of God to sell, distribute, and publish Bibles and sound ministry. For many years he edited and printed a monthly magazine called The Young Christian. Some time after the Lord called His servant home, this monthly was changed and a new name given to it by those who took the responsibility of sending it forth. One of those who helped much with the newly named Christian Truth for the Household of Faith was Paul Wilson who wrote for it an editorial that many enjoyed reading.
In writing this note, we desire to "Remember them which have the rule [are the guides] over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation." Heb. 13:7.
After the Lord took Paul Wilson to be with Himself, another servant of the Lord assumed the main responsibility for this little magazine. This was Ralph G. Rule, who himself has now entered (January 1984) into the presence of the Lord and Savior he loved so much.
Now in thinking of the parallel with Israel and those who served the Lord, we believe that we are indeed in the days of the Judges. Yet the Lord did use those judges in His work and so in the work of the Lord now we pray that sound clear written truth be preserved for His people. Will you join with us in prayer to this end?