Though all three terms are used in this booklet here's a word of caution about dating. If you think of dating only as a casual, recreational activity that normal young people "just do" to have fun-doing so with several or many different partners before getting serious-you are doing something that has no Scriptural sanction. I do not feel that there are principles in the Word of God that encourage or give guidance for this kind of "recreational" or "casual" dating. Dating properly comes after there has been prayer seeking the Lord's guidance for a life's companion, and receiving an answer to your prayers in finding your heart attracted to another. It is a joyous and serious thing to do.
We read in Prov. 4:23, "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life". The heart is very tender and easily wounded. What one may be intend as nothing more than a "casual date" may be a very serious thing to the other. Broken, crushed hearts bring solemn and tragic results. Be very careful with another's heart and affections, for God loves each of His dear children and will not look lightly on someone who fools around with another's affections!