A Painted Text

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KATHY, a young Christian girl was spending a vacation with her father down by the sea coast. She heard there was a dying man in a cottage nearby. She went to see him, but found he was too deaf to talk with anyone and almost blind. He did say enough, however, to prove that he did not know the Saviour, but trusted in what he called his “good character.”
Kathy was at her wits end, yet so anxious to lead the old man to the Saviour. Suddenly she thought of something. She went home, painted John 3:16 in large black letters on a sheet of white cardboard, and stood it at the foot of the old man’s bed. There it stood with its blessed message: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
The old man could see enough to read those big letters. He read the text over and over, and finally the young lady had the joy of seeing that it was making its way into the heart of the dying man.
He saw and confessed he was a guilty sinner, and he rejoiced in the way God has proved His love to such. What greater love could God show than to give His beloved Son to die for poor, guilty sinners!
Thus does God use those whose hearts, like Kathy’s own, are full of pity and love for sinful men.