A Penny for Your Thoughts

A penny for your thoughts,” my little man. They are worth more than a penny today, for Cecil is in real serious trouble, and I shall tell you how it all happened.
Cecil was riding on the street car with Mother. He was looking out the window, and “day-dreaming,” as little boys sometimes do. Mother was busy with little sister, and a few parcels.
When the car turned to go around the block, Mother got off, as usual. She helped little sister to the side-walk, and then looked up to see the car moving away, with Cecil day-dreaming all by himself beside the window.
Mother walked quickly across to the other side of the “loop,” to claim her little dreamer when the car came back. As for Cecil, he waited for no such thing. He suddenly found himself alone, and he jumped off at the first stop and ran all the way home.
What did he find? A locked door, and no sign of his mother. Cecil sat down on the steps feeling more alone than he had ever felt in his life. He was first hot and then cold, and very miserable, and I shall tell you the reason. He thought that the Lord Jesus had come and taken his mother and his little sister to heaven.
Soon his mother came home and was very glad to see her boy, but Cecil did not forget his misery. He did not belong to the Lord Jesus and he knew it. Though the Lord had not come yet, He was sure to come soon, and Cecil would be left forever without hope.
The boy knelt by his bedside and told the Lord Jesus that he was a sinner, but he wanted to be saved. He wanted to belong to the Saviour, now and forever. God heard him and saved him right away. Now, Cecil is looking forward to the Lord’s coming, and I have often heard him sing:
“Yes, we’ll gather at His coming,
His glorious, His glorious coming;
Gather with His saints at His coming,
If cleansed by the Saviour’s blood.”
Now, my dear reader, how is it with you? Does the thought of the Lord’s coming fill you with joy or with sorrow? Perhaps you can imagine Cecil’s misery if the Lord really had come. How will you feel if you are left behind? Oh, come to Jesus today!
ML 06/11/1950