A Prayer

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 3min
Listen from:
Matthew 6
Jesus told the men with Him the words of this prayer, which began: “Our Father Who art in Heaven. Hallowed (holy) be Thy Name.”
Those Words showed that, although God was in Heaven, He cared for those who trusted Him as their Father, and they could pray directly to him. He is holy, no wrong could be with Him; those who know He is holy, will not say His Name in careless or wrong way.
In this prayer they asked for the Kingdom of God to come on earth, as all the people who believed God’s words to the prophets were waiting for a Holy King to be sent.
Jesus came that they could choose Him to be that King, but it was not long until the leaders of that land refused Him to be King.
Since that time, those who believe Him, have prayed to God the Father, that many would trust the Lord Jesus, to be with Him in Heaven, not for His Kingdom on earth. Yet that prayer will be answered: Christ as King over all the earth was a promise of the law and the prophets, which Jesus said will surely he fulfilled.
Do you know what “Amen” means? The word means “true’’, so whoever says “Amen” agrees that what is before said is true.
Perhaps you know what it means to fast; when people fast they eat little or no food, and mourn for sins, or, because of some loss; fasting and praying were clone together. Jesus said it was to be done only to honor God, not that others should see.
Here are words as true for us as for the people then:
“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and serve the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon (riches).”
Jesus told the men who were following Him, not to be anxious about their food or other needs, but to. trust God. He said,
“Your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.”
Anything suffered for His sake, brings comfort from Him, which is better than what was lost.
What may happen to treasures on earth? (Matt. 6:19).
Where did Jesus say to have treasures? Matt. 6:29.
What did Jesus say of the fowls? (Matt. 6:26).
What did Jesus say of the lilies? (Matt. 6:28).
“Which of you by taking thought, can add one cubit (about 18 inches) to his stature?” (Matt. 6:27).
ML 02/21/1943