IN temporal matters men are divided into three classes,—rich, poor, and middle-class; in spiritual matters there are only two, boundlessly rich, and miserably poor. The first of these two is composed of those who know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, who, though He was rich, yet for their sakes became poor, that they through His poverty might be rich (2 Cor. 8:9). To them have been preached the glad tidings of the unsearchable riches of Christ (Eph. 3:8); they have embraced all in simple faith, and are now rejoicing in that precious Saviour, and all the precious things they possess in Him. I now call your attention to some of those things described in a few simple words of Holy Scripture. In Ephesians 1:7, it is written, “In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace.” Notice―
1.―The Character of the Possession.
“There is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not” (Eccl. 7:20). “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). How sweeping are God’s statements! He speaks of all as “sinners,” and our guilty consciences echo, “sinners.” He tells of a day when He will judge even the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, rendering to every man according to his deeds (Rom. 2:6, 16). If Adam for one sin was driven from Eden, what will become of those who have many sins? If God cannot have any in His holy place but those who have clean hands and pure hearts, who can stand there? (Psa. 24:3, 4.) We are unclean, within and without; hearts and hands defiled with sin. For such sin-defiled creatures, what place can there be but the everlasting prison-house of hell?
Ah, listen, God speaks of redemption, of forgiveness! The dungeon of hell is not to be the eternal habitation of those whom He addresses, for He says they have redemption, their sins are forgiven. Can it be true? Yes, for God Himself says it; nothing less than this is the possession of those to whom He writes,― redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
2. Who are the Possessors?
“We,” says the text. But the anxious one cries, How may I know that I am included? Look lower down in the chapter to see who are included in the “we.” In vs. 12 we read of those who “trusted in Christ;” and in the following one, of those who heard the word of truth, the gospel of their salvation, and believed on Christ, being consequently sealed with the Holy Spirit. This makes the word in our text clear; “we” embraces in its blessed circle all who have heard the glad tidings of salvation, and have believed on Jesus as their Saviour, trusting only in Him. Anxious soul! have you heard and believed? Many struggle and hope for salvation, they are not included in the “we;” but the feeblest, most sin-sick soul, that simply hears and believes, has his place amongst the rich possessors.
3.—When Have we the Possession?
Now, in the present time; for our text does not read “bad,” nor “will have;” it refers us neither to past nor future, but speaks of one blessed continuous present in the words “we have.” Do not then, dear soul, be deluded into the thought, that you cannot know your sins forgiven while upon earth. Men are either in their sins before God (a place of terrible solemnity), or they have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. They who have heard and believed the gospel, have now this blessed possession.
4.―On what Ground have we this Possession?
If God be the thrice-holy God, before whom the seraphim veil their faces and feet; if righteousness and judgment are the establishment of His throne, ―how can He forgive the sins of such an unclean thing as I am? Our text beautifully conveys the answer; it is “through His blood.” Much as God desired to bless the sinner, He must do it in a way consistent with His own righteousness. “Without shedding of blood is no remission” (Heb. 9:22). The blood of bulls and goats could not take away sins; but Jesus, God’s beloved Son, came, suffered as a lamb without blemish and without spot; and His blood, which God delights to call “precious blood” (1 Peter 1:19), is the ground upon which He forgives sins. Mark this well, reader; it is not on the ground of anything you are, nor of anything you have done, are doing, or will do; but on this simple basis alone, ― “His blood.” In that precious stream which flowed from the Saviour’s pierced side, read your title to the “forgiveness of sins.” Learn in it God’s thorough abhorrence of your sins, but His unutterable love in providing a ransom for you Nothing short of the untold sufferings and agonies of the Son of God could purchase you this possession. His work being finished, do not think to add to its perfection by any doings of yours; His precious blood having been shed, do not dream of adding anything to its value. God could not act upon a lesser basis, but He needs nothing more. Beholding then in His blood an indisputable title to present and everlasting blessing, embrace that blessing in simple faith, your soul adoring the peerless Person of Him who died that it might be yours.
5.―According to what Measure is the Possession ours?
You may say, I have been a great sinner, can God forgive such a one? Here is His measure, ― “the riches of His grace.” Are you afraid that your need is so great that it would more than exhaust God’s riches to meet it? That cannot be. He is “rich in mercy;” He has “riches of grace;” do not fear Jesus, dispensing those riches, said of the poor woman, whose case is recorded in Luke 7, “Her sins, WHICH ARE MANY, are forgiven.” Saul of Tarsus, the chief of sinners (1 Tim. 1:15), was himself used of God to write the words of our text, and he includes himself in the circle of blessing, saying, “we.” But again, you may say, I fear that I am not worthy of such favor. It is quite true, you are not worthy; but mark well, the measure of forgiveness is not your worthiness. It is not according to anything you have been, anything you are, or anything you hope to be, but it is “according to the riches of His grace.”
The words “In whom” of our text, refer to the previous verse, from which we find that it is “in the Beloved.” How fitting that it should be so. In days long gone by, when famine was in all lands, the word was, “Go unto Joseph” (Gen. 41:55). He who had been despised and sold, ―was the dispenser of the plenty which had been stored. Jesus has been crucified by the world; but the believer gladly owns that everything He possesses, he has in and through Christ Jesus, the Beloved One of God’s heart. Those who have their sins forgiven now, will throughout eternity adore Him who loved them, and gave Himself for them, ascribing all glory to Him.
J. R.