Matthew 6:29-34.
THE remedy for care which the Lord proposes to, His people in these verses is a twofold one. And we must take the two parts together. The failure which so many Christians―for I speak; only to such now, no other, person ought to be free from care, because Christ gives, rest to those; who have come to Him alone— the failure then, that so many Christians experience as to this, is because they disjoin what the Lord has joined together.
Are there not some who read this, who have found Christ, and to whom. His blood has spoken peace as far as their consciences are concerned, — whose hearts, nevertheless have a burden of care that prevents true and proper “rest?” Why is it, beloved? Ought not the one that has known Jesus to have found in Him a remedy as much for care as for fear? for restlessness as for guilt? for the troubles of this life as well as for the judgment to come? Surely it ought to be so. And why is it not? The answer I have already given. People would, with strange and willful disregard of the Lord’s words, talk of their circumstances, as if they furnished the answer, — as if it were impossible for the Lord Himself to keep heart and mind at rest in the midst of their own peculiar surroundings! But what unbelief is shown in this, and What dishonor is done to Him by it! Whereas all the difficulties and trials of the way are but really the occasions for the display of the unfailing resources and the unchanging grace of Him who unwearyingly watches over and cares for His own.
And here is just the first thing to consider. He does care. The love that gave Jesus up for us upon the cross, is not exhausted even by that, but just proved inexhaustible. “He who spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not, with Him also, freely give us all things?” Yes, says this blessed Exponent of His Father’s heart, “even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” What you would not care to do for yourselves, He has done; yea, what you scarcely care to have done for you, He has done! Oh to realize in its full power that wondrous and sweet assurance! Do we think of the hairs that fall from our head? He does. Well, if Almighty Love cares thus for me, what a remedy for care on my part. Why should I be uneasy, I who with all my taking thought can never add one cubit to my stature nor even make one hair white or black? Blessed be His name, He who has given me a place before Himself in all the value and beauty of His own blessed Son, has so dearly bought Himself title to pour out His love on me, that surely He must delight to do it. And I, so blessed and cared for, how should I wrong Him, my Father and my God, by a single doubt as to the result.
Thus the soul enters into its rest. It is the real healing of the breach in Eden, the real “escaping the corruption that is in the world through lust.” (2 Peter 1:4.) For what is “lust,” but the heart of man, away from its only place of rest in the unquestioning consciousness of the goodness and love of God, seeking its own things, because it must care for itself, if none care for it! Thus our Lord’s words rebuke our distrustful care about what to eat and drink and to be clothed with “for after these things do the Gentiles seek.” Are we to be still “even as the nations who know not God?”
But there is another thing connected with this I believe many a soul would say, “Well, I know all this but still, somehow it has not its proper power with me at all. I know it is foolish and wrong, and yet I am anxious and troubled for all that.” Now then, beloved, suffer a plain, straightforward question: are you “seeking FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness?” Are you, truthfully and honestly, out and out for God and His glory? That is the indispensable other ingredient in this remedy for care. God has been saying to you, His saved one, “I will take care for you, I will leave you without the need of one single uneasy thought; I will attend to all that concerns your interests; and I give you the privilege of undistracted occupation with your own things above, aid with my interests below.”
You want “purpose of heart” in this, or you cannot know what freedom from care is. Can you think that He who says that “all that is in the world is not of Him, will give you help to enjoy the world? If you are bent upon making money, or upon “getting on” in the world in any way, you know you cannot count upon Him to be with you in it. Hence anxiety and care come in at once. And what wonder? Of course all the assurances of a love oven as infinite as His are thrown away upon you, while you are not seeking to live to Him, but to yourself.
And you are weary. You have a restless, because a divided heart. Your worldly plans do not give satisfaction, but a bad conscience., And when you would turn to God, you find little satisfaction either, because you have a bad conscience. You are wasting your few moments here, heaping up sorrow for yourself under the sure government of One who has already assured us that “he that soweth to the flesh, shall of the flesh reap corruption.” There may not be anything outwardly evil in your life, but the question is, what is it that your heart really, turns to for its proper joy can you ask God Himself, “Whom have I in heaven but thee?” and can you say to Him, “and there is none upon earth that I desire in comparison of, Thee “Are you willing to have Him, His word, “search and try you, and see well if there be any way of wickedness in you?” It may be, but as you would say, some “little thine but you may let Satan cheat you out of all your proper rest and joy by just “some little thing.”
“There be many that say, who will skew us any good? Lord, lift Thou up the light of Thy countenance upon as. Thou 6st put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased.” — (Psa. 4:6,7.)