A Review for the Children

Listen from:
Psalm 78
This psalm was a review given by God for the boys and girls in Israel to know what great things God had done to save their nation from slavery in Egypt, and to lead them safely through deserts to a good land. When these boys and girls were grown, they were to tell the stories to their children. It is a long psalm and we can give only a few verses:
“Marvelous things did He (God) in the sight of their fathers, in the land of Egypt, in the field of Zoan. He divided the sea, and caused them to pass through; and He made the waters to stand as an heap. In the daytime also He led them with a cloud, and all the night with a light of fire. He clave (opened) the rocks in the wilderness, and gave them drink as out of the great depths.” Verses 12-15.
Perhaps you remember reading how God divided the water of the Red Sea so the big company of men, women, children, and animals crossed safely over, out of reach of the cruel king of Egypt; then how later, God gave them food and water in the deserts, until at last their children were brought to a good land.
This psalm also reviews the dreadful troubles sent against Egypt, because they rebelled against God (Verses 43-51). But even though the people of Israel saw the wonders and power of God, many of them spoke against Him.
“But He... forgave their iniquity, and destroyed them not.” Verse 38.
Yet at last; many of the people made images and prayed to them, instead of to the Lord, so great sorrows came to them (Verse 58). Because the people forgot to obey and honor God, much of this is a sad review for the young people who were to hear it; but it was all true.
Why do you suppose the boys and girls of Israel were to review this, and why should we, when perhaps none of us are from that nation? As you grow older you will find that we are not different from those people,—we too forget the wonderful works of God’s power and of His love, so this was a warning for the boys and girls then, and is a warning for all of us now, and tells us to set our “hope in God” (Verse 7).
The last of the psalm speaks of David, chosen by God, as a careful shepherd of His people. Since then God has given His Son Jesus to be as a good Shepherd, greater than David could be, to give His life for His people, and Who still cares for them as a careful Shepherd.
The plagues in Egypt (Exodus 7 to 11).
The Red Sea Divided (Exodus 14:15-30).
The Cloud by Day, Fire by Night (Exodus 40:34-38).
Water from the rock (Exodus 17:6).
Bread from Heaven (Exodus 16:4,15).
Zoan seems to have been a capital city of Egypt (Numbers 13:22).
ML 11/03/1940