Yes! He was stopped in his awful course by an unpretentious little note. This is the story told by a Christian who had contact with one of Russia's chief inquisitors.
It was during the time when a supreme effort was being made to dethrone God, and to obliterate every trace of Christianity from that vast land. Our Christian friend says: "Knowing that many use and understand `Esperanto,' I wrote him a short note and enclosed a Gospel of John in that language. Shortly afterward I received a very sarcastic response, saying that they `burned that sort of stuff here.'
"About two weeks later, I was surprised to receive another letter from him, breathing altogether a different tone. He said he had stuck the little booklet in his pocket, waiting until he could find opportunity to burn it; and then he forgot all about it!
"Several days later, he was making a trip where he had a `layover' for several hours. He looked around for something to read to pass the time away, but could find nothing. Searching in his pockets, he there found the little book he had treated with such contempt. He drew it out and began to read it. What was his great surprise at the beautiful language used! He had read it, he said, from the standpoint of good literature, and asked if I had anything else of a similar character. I at once sent him a copy of `The Gospel of Mark.'
"Again he wrote; and this time it was a fine letter asking if there were not four gospels. He stated that, if I could send the other two, he would have them all bound together into a book and placed in his library. In reply I told him that this was already done and was available with additional material, called `The New Testament.'
"This I gladly and prayerfully sent him, counting on God to make it good to his soul.”
The final result we do not know, but we are assured that, "The entrance of Thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding to the simple." Psa. 119:130.
"So shall My word be that goeth forth out of My mouth: it shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." Isa. 55:11.