A Shadow on the World

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 13
There's a shadow on the world, and it deepens;
The hearts of men begin to fail for fear:
Beneath apparent confidence and boasting
Perplexity is growing year by year.

There's a shadow on the world, and its rulers
See lawlessness abound and tumults rife,
And prove that all their deeply thought-out measures
Are powerless to quell the rising strife.

There's a shadow on the world—Christ rejected—
How can the creature man see ought aright
In the darkness which must always be before him,
When he has turned his back upon the light?

There's a shadow on the world: it betokens
The longsuffering of God is well-nigh o'er,
And the blest atoning work of Christ the Savior
Shall be held out to sinful men no more.

There's a shadow on the world! The cross of Jesus
Stands black and grim against the dark'ning sky.
O world, poor world, ere God shall loose His fury,
Repent! Believe! To Christ for refuge fly.