A Single Leaf

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THERE was once a caravan crossing to the north of India, and numbering in its company a devout Christian missionary. As it passed along, a poor old man was overcome by the heat and labors of the journey, and sinking down, was left to perish on the road. The missionary saw him, and, kneeling down at his side when the rest had passed along, whispered into his ear: “Brother, what is your hope?” The dying man raised himself a little to reply, and with a great effort succeeded in answering: “The blood of Jesus Christ... cleanseth us from all sin,” and immediately expired with the effort.
The missionary was greatly astonished with the answer, and at the calm and peaceful assurance of the man; he felt assured he had died in Christ. How, or when, he thought, could this man, seemingly a heathen, have obtained the knowledge of this salvation? As he thought of it, he observed a piece of paper grasped tightly in the hand of the dead man. What do you think was his surprise and delight when he found it was a single leaf of the Bible, containing the first chapter of the First Epistle of John! On that page the man had found the Word of Life!
Many of us reading these lines have Bibles of our own, but do you value the Word of God like this poor man? Have you ever put your trust in the Lord Jesus and His shed blood on Calvary? If you haven’t, why delay longer? Come to Him now and know with assurance that He has washed your sins all away in His own precious blood.
“Without shedding of blood is no remission.” Heb. 9:22.
“The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7.