A Soldier of Christ

Pte. J. H. Ong, 49th Field Ambulance
Readers of the “Message from God” will remember that in the February number I spoke of the death of Pte. Ong, and asked for particulars. In the April “Message” I printed a letter from Pte. Scales, speaking of the manner of his death. On March 6th of this year I received a letter from the Rev. Dr. R. Middleton, of St. Michael’s Rectory, Norwich, which he has given me permission to publish.
Dear Dr. Wreford, “I am sending you a copy of two letters from the chaplains at the Front telling of Mr. Ong’s death. In your February issue of a ‘Message from God,’ you ask for information, hence the enclosed.
“Mr. Ong was one of my most devoted Sunday-school teachers, and one of the first converts I had when I came to Norwich. He was a most exemplary Christian, full of love for the Lord, and always willing to do his bit, either in our open air meetings, or anything else. His dear wife is a member of my congregation and an earnest Christian. He has left one boy and one girl behind.
“We mourn his loss, and miss him very much. He is a real loss to our prayer meeting.
“May I thank you most sincerely for so kindly sending him literature for his work amongst the troops. I also sent him tracts, etc., so that he was doing really the work of a missionary.
“With Christian love,
“Yours in His service,
“Robt. Middleton, B.D., D. Litt.”
In my letter of thanks in answer to this kind letter I asked Mr. Middleton if he would object to my telling others the story of Pte. Ong’s conversion, and if he could let me see his photo, and if I might put it in the “Message.” His reply, sent on March 11Th was:—
“Yes, certainly, publish my letter if you wish to do so. Anything for the Lord! The time is now very short, and our Blessed Lord is coming, very soon. Let us give our testimony before it is too late.
“Mrs. Ong will be very pleased to have her husband’s photo reproduced in your little paper. I am sending you our own copy. I had several like Mr. Ong in the Army doing grand work for the Lord. To Him be the glory.... The Lord abundantly bless and encourage you in your grand work.
“Yours in His service,”
“Robt. Middleton, B.D., D.Litt.”