“Until the day break and the shadows flee away, turn my beloved, and be thou like a roe, or a young hart upon the mountains of division.” (Marg.) Song of Solomon 2:17.
“He saw them toiling in rowing; for the wind was contrary unto them: and about the fourth watch of the night He cometh unto them.... and saith unto them, of good cheer: it is I: be not afraid.”
“These things I have spoken unto you that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer: I have overcome the world.” John 16:33.
“Is it well?.... and she answered, It is well.” 2 Kings 4:2G.
Sorrow and trial, Lord, Thou’st said
Must be our portion here:
And to Thy word our hearts would bow.
E’en though it cost us dear;
The darkest cloud will beam with light,
If Thou, Lord, drawest near!
“‘Tis well”! E’en though our path should lie
Through trials sore and deep;
And from our seeds of earthly joy,
A harvest sad, we reap!
Not always theirs the happiest lives,
Who never need to weep!
Earth’s fairest things must pass away,
The sweetest and the best
We must be taught how vain to seek
On earth continued rest:
To draw some flowers’ fragrance forth,
They must be sorely press’d!
Tis well we should be free from earth,
Tis better, happier far:
E’en though through life’s long stormy night,
We see no cheering star;
“Well”; if we mount to heaven upon
Affliction’s fiery car!
It needs, our souls should pant, and yearn—
And earthly streams grow dry,
And in our greatest depth of need,
No more our wants supply—
To find the unfailing fountain head,
Soul thirst to satisfy!
And blessed is the “want” which makes
Our hearts from this world flee;
And when the earthly pitcher breaks,
The heavenly light to see;
Blessed the storm, however dark,
Which drives us nearer Thee.
Ο Abba, Father; Savior-God!
Such sorrows must be blest;
Faith owns amidst the darkest scenes
Thou’rt working for the best.
And in Thy wisdom as Thy love,
Our hearts find perfect rest!