(John 20:1-17.)
The disciples at the sepulcher see the trophies of a recent victory obtained there, and yet a victory gained in all beautiful divine simplicity and power. There was no confusion, no symptom that a struggle had been sustained, but every witness that a victory had been won. The sepulcher was empty, and the clothes that had bound the dead body lay there, not in disorder, but wrapped together in their due place, the clothes that had been about the head distinguished above the rest.
Death had been conquered and the grave spoiled, but by One who had got an easy victory; for He had already destroyed him that had the power of death at Calvary, “by death destroyed him that had the power of death,” (Heb. 2) and the rifling of the grave was perfect and glorious, but it was accomplished as without a struggle.
The angels are there, but they are there in full intelligence of all that had happened. They sit at the place where the body had lain, in worshipping admiration of what Jesus had accomplished. Mary is there, but she is there ignorant of it all, but in deep personal affection to Christ. She knows not of His victory and resurrection, but she feels that He is dearer to her than the whole creation of God.
Such ones meet and meet as the best of friends; angels and Mary, the bright intelligences of heaven and the loving heart of an accepted sinner of the earth. Jesus is their common object, and that is enough, though in point of attainment they are so distant from each other; the angels so full of light, Mary too much still in ignorance.
But favored woman as she was, she is soon called to change her company, and even to improve it, though it was so good. She leaves the angels for the Lord of angels, and on his glorious lips hears her own name in well-known accents; for there is nothing too high, nothing too intimate for that heart that loves Jesus as hers did. Her former companions had kindly soothed her grief. But her Lord cheers her spirit and conducts her to know Him in higher, purer, and more loving scenes than even her heart had ever conceived. He lets her know that He was on His way to heaven, there to be with the God and Father of the Christ and the saints, of Jesus and his brethren.
What victory, what spoils of victory, and what prints of victory are here! Heath and hell are conquered and made a show of, the very bonds which signified their power made a show of in the place of the warfare; and then, those who had loved Him that had gone down to the battle, are made to share more splendid glorious fruit of His toil than their fondest hearts had ever even desired.
With believing minds may we trace this victory of the Son of God, and with happy hearts gather up and feed on the fruit of it!