A Sudden Call.

IT was a familiar sight to those of us who live in the country, and one of almost daily occurrence in this part of England. Two men were loading fagots in a wagon, to be carted home and stored for future use. One man was on the ground, and pitched the bundles of fagots to the other, who, mounted on the wagon, arranged them there in order, as each in succession arrived.
They had been busily engaged for some time, and the wagon was getting well piled. The man below then moved off several yards to reach an outlying bundle, with which he returned, and before heaving it to the man above, called out the usual signal―
But there was no reply, so he again called out―
Still no answer. So getting anxious at the silence, he mounted the load, only to find to his horror that his mate was dead!
Just think of that poor fellow for an instant. He had tossed down his last bundle of fagots, apparently in perfect health, but before the next one could reach him he lay a lifeless corpse. One moment he was in the full vigor and energy of manhood; in the next — without the slightest warning — he had passed into eternity.
Did you ever think it is quite possible that your end may be as sudden as his? Would you be prepared for it if it were? People often hope to have “a death-bed conversion,” but Scripture never warrants such a thought for an instant.
God says of our life, “It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away” (James 4:14).
“Vanisheth away”! That does not promise you much time for repentance at the last, does it? We read again in Psalms 103:15: “As for man, his days are as grass... For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone.”
“Gone”! How long does that vouchsafe you for turning to God?
God is warning us on every hand by sudden deaths, and it is too solemn a matter to trifle with. How can you rest with your life hanging on so slender a thread, and the question of your sins not settled?
Who can tell the unspeakable blessing of a mind at perfect peace with God? For it is possible to know in this world, by all who are resting their soul’s salvation on the finished work of the Lord Jesus, that we are ready to meet a holy God at any moment, and that without fear or dread.
May you also be able to add, “Whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s” (Rom. 14: 8).
“Or in living, or in dying,
All, all is well.”
E. R. M.