A Text That Is Not in the Bible

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
" 'It is never too late to mend.' Do you believe that, Miss Hunt?”
"Of course I do; I believe everything that is in the Bible.”
"But that saying is not in the Bible; you may search from the first chapter to the last, and you will not find it.”
"Still, it is quite true, isn't it? Everybody believes it.”
"Well, Miss Hunt, I for one do not believe it. It is a flat contradiction of the Word of God.”
"What! Do you mean to say that there is anyone who is past mending?”
"Yes, that is just what I do mean, and the person who is past mending is yourself, and every other sinner on the face of the earth.”
The young lady to whom these words were spoken seemed greatly surprised; she had never thought it possible that any one should be past mending, and little did she know that she herself was one such.
My reader, have you ever thought of this matter? The Bible is plain and positive on this point. It describes us all as "filthy” (Psa. 14:3), and it shows us that nothing that we can do will make us clean (Jer. 2:22). It says that we are all "under sin” (Rom. 3:9), and utterly "without strength” (Rom. 5:6) to deliver ourselves. Once again, it tells us that we are "dead" in trespasses and sins, and altogether without hope. (Eph. 2:1-12.)
There are many other verses in Scripture which teach us that we are past mending, past reforming, past improving. We are past mending, but thank God, we are not past saving! We are sunk deep in the mire and filth of sin, but the strong arm of Jesus is able to save us, though no power in heaven or earth can mend us.
Reader, do you want that arm of power to save you? Then I will tell you what to do: get down upon your knees and tell it all out to Jesus. Take the low place of a poor unworthy sinner at His feet, and put your whole-hearted trust in Him as your Savior.
Remember it was for sinners like you that He died. Look up to Him and say from your heart, "Lord Jesus, I am guilty and helpless, but Thou art able to save; Thou halt shed Thy blood for me, and I, a poor sinner, rely upon the merits of that precious blood.
I trust in Thee, I confide in Thy love, and I flee to Thee for pardon.”
If words like these come from your heart, they will reach the Savior's ear. And what will be the result?
You will be pardoned and saved forever! Yes, for the Bible says, "Believe [or trust] on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.”