“Giving thanks always for all things.” Ephesians 5:20
“In everything give thanks.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18
These two verses pretty well cover all aspects of the day for us, don’t they? But the thankful spirit we all would like to have does not come easily on some days. It is interesting to notice what precedes each of these verses. Verse 19 of Ephesians 5 tells us to be speaking to ourselves in psalms and hymns, and to be making melody in our hearts to the Lord. This may take some reprogramming of our thoughts, but the singing will help in our being able to reach verse 20 and be thankful for all things.
First Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to “pray without ceasing.” It may be that a lot of prayer needs to go up before we can reach verse 18 and find ourselves thankful in all things.
A thankful spirit is something to covet and to cultivate.