A witness for God is the most uncompromising man on the face of the earth. He never lowers the flag. He never adapts his testimony to altered circumstances. General unfaithfulness only nerves him—braces him up to a more complete surrender to his Master’s interests. No surrender of the truth is ever thought of. He may die, death alone being the check to the course and testimony of the witness, but he will never sacrifice one iota of his testimony. He is a man who counts not his life dear to him if he may but finish his course with joy. A witness is essentially a martyr, the word for both being the same in the Greek. God and His glory is his watchword.
A witness for God is a man who has put his life and character into the Lord’s keeping. Would you be a faithful witness for God—another Antipas “one against all!” Then you may have to seal your testimony with your blood, as Stephen in the midst of religious Israel, or Antipas amongst the professing people of God (Acts 7 and Rev. 2:13). A true servant of God never defends his character—that the Lord takes care of—and woe be to the man who wantonly takes liberties with the character and ways of God’s witness. He enters into a controversy with God, as Numbers 12 solemnly intimates. A witness for God is a man who meekly bears reproach, suffering and distress, but is consumed, yea, burns, when the glory of his Master is in question (Ex. 32). May the Lord lead to increased and unswerving faithfulness to the Master and His mission!