My spirit is sad and perplexed.
I know not the best thing to do;
With doubtings and fears I am vexed,
And Satan harasses me, too.
I’ve tried (how I’ve tried!) to believe,
Till the word on my mind is engraved;
Can no one my sorrow relieve?
Oh, “What must I do to be saved?”
Lord Jesus, I’m full of alarms,
Indeed, I’ve no hope left but Thee;
I cast myself into Thy arms,
O Saviour! Take pity on me!
I come as a poor little child;
With many a tremor and doubt;
Thy voice speaks a calm through the wild—
Says, “I will in no wise cast out.”
No feelings need come to my aid.
This dull heart’s emotions are few;
I’ll trust Thee, Lord, nor be afraid
I’m safe as the Bible is true.
Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near. Isaiah 55:6