I have no doubt that it is in virtue of the sacrifice of Christ, as is plainly taught in connection with Noah's action after the flood, that seed-time and harvest are secured to man while the earth continues, and thus a flower can be enjoyed by a Christian because of Christ's death. This will be more plainly in question during the millennium, when man will possess the earth under the new covenant based upon Christ's blood. The point with us now is, whether, as new creatures in Christ Jesus, blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places, and as having the Holy Ghost as the earnest of this inheritance, we can, according to the Spirit's power acting in the new nature, enjoy the earth. There is nothing wrong in finding pleasure in flowers, &c., and God has given us freely "all things to enjoy," so that they can be enjoyed in His presence with thankfulness, as the expression of His will and pleasure for us- the heart being subject to Him in its enjoyment- eating and drinking to His glory; but faith, as in contrast with nature- sight and sense, is engaged with the things that are not seen and eternal; hence, when the new man is acting according to the principle of its being, faith occupies it with what is heavenly and unseen; flowers are seen, hence not enjoyed while the new man is in activity. The word then is, "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God." (Col. 3:1-3.) C.W.