Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(father of a multitude). Son of Terah, a dweller in Ur of the Chaldees (Gen. 11:25-31). Founder of the Jewish nation. Migrated from Chaldea to Haran. Moved thence to Canaan, to Egypt and back to Canaan, where he settled amid the oak-groves of Mamre. There confirmed in the thrice repeated promise that his seed should become a mighty nation, and his name changed from Abram to Abraham. Died, aged 175 years, and was buried in the tomb of Machpelah (Gen. 12-26).
Concise Bible Dictionary:
Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:
contracted from 48; high father; Abram, the original name of Abraham
Jackson’s Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names:
father is exalted
Potts’ Bible Proper Names:
Exalted father, or father of elevation; ambition:―son of Terah [ABRAHAM], Gen. 11:26. {Pater elatus}