It did not take long for Ananias the high priest and the elders to come down to Cæsarea - only five days. They also engaged the services of an orator (one who can speak well) named Tertullus. He called Paul “a pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition.” Any conspiracy against the Roman government was a capital offense. These charges were not true. In his defense, Paul replied that he went to Jerusalem to worship, not to profane the temple, and that he believed all things which were written in the law and in the prophets. Felix knew what Paul was talking about, for he had knowledge of the way. He told a centurion to guard Paul and give him liberty to entertain his relatives. Felix often heard what Paul said about “righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come” and trembled. Don’t you think that Paul also told him how to escape the judgment to come by receiving the Lord Jesus as his personal Saviour?
1. In order to gain the favor of Felix, what nice things did an orator named ____________ say about him? Acts 24:___
2. Tertullus said things about this ____________ which were false. Can you find several false things in one verse? Acts 24:___
3. How many of the things which are ____________ in the law and in the prophets did Paul believe? Acts 24:___
4. What amount of ____________ was the centurion allowed to give Paul?
Acts 24:___
5. As Paul reasoned of righteousness, ____________ and judgment to come, what happened to Felix? Acts 24:___