The word occurs in Rom. 8:15, 23; 9:4; Gal. 4:5; Eph. 1:5, only—SONSHIP, or the PLACE OF A SON. This word is once collectively applied to Israel, Rom. 9:4 (comp. Hos. 11:1); individually, and as a present title, it is solely applied to Christians. In the future it belongs to all children of the resurrection (Luke 20:36). The word implies marked love and preference. It is connected with the possession of the Holy Ghost, and is enjoyed by faith now, though the display of it is future. It is a privilege beyond that of “children,” which belongs to all saints, and is a question of the new birth, whereas “adoption” is only spoken of after the cross and the descent of the Holy Ghost. Thus an Old Testament saint was born again (John 3:10); a Christian in addition has the place of a son. In the East many are children who are not sons. Keturah’s family were Abraham’s children, but Isaac alone was his son.