Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(from Adramys, brother of Croesus). A seaport town of Mysia in Asia (Acts 16:7; 27:2). Now Adramyti.
Concise Bible Dictionary:
The place to which the ship belonged in which Paul sailed as a prisoner (Acts 27:2). It lies in Mysia, Asia Minor, 39° 35' N, 27° 2' E. Its present name is Adramyt, and it is still a seaport town.
Strong’s Dictionary of Greek Words:
from Ἀδραμύττειον (a place in Asia Minor); Adramyttene or belonging to Adramyttium
KJV Usage:
of Adramyttium
Jackson’s Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names:
not in the race: I shall abide in death
Potts’ Bible Proper Names:
Court of death:―a place in Asia Minor, Acts 27:2. {Forum mortis}