When I was a young person, I was given an assignment which I dreaded. I had to stand up and speak in front of a group of people. I had never done anything like that, and I was scared. I prayed about it more than once, but I had no peace about the assignment.
Early one morning I went out into the meadow where it was quiet and I could be alone with God. I sat down on the ground to think things over. As I sat there, a spider came along and began to spin her web. She climbed up one upright plant stalk and attached her silk to the top of it. Then she drew her fine line of silk over to another upright object and attached it there. I watched with great interest as she went around and around, until her whole beautiful web was woven.
The spider had chosen a good place for her web - an open place where many insects would be flying and be caught in her web. This would provide her with food. Then possibly her pattern would be to lay her eggs on that web and raise a spider family.
However, that spider didn’t understand the whole picture. You see, the second upright object that her web was attached to happened to be my boot, and in another few moments I planned to stand up and leave. This would bring her whole little world crashing down around her.
Are you sometimes afraid of something you see coming into your life? Or does your world seem to be tumbling down around you? That morning I learned a little more of how to “trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:56). I knew the Lord was going to take care of that spider with her damaged web, and I was reassured that He was going to help me with my assignment too.