Two servants of the Lord had been together preaching the sweet tidings of grace, and the audience mostly had left, when our attention was drawn to a middle-aged lady, who was evidently interested in the good news she had been hearing. Taking a seat by her side, I said, "Well, is it settled?”
"No, I can't say it is; I wish I could say that.”
"What is the difficulty?”
"I don't see things clearly. I have been a church member most of my days, but that goes for nothing I see, and I don't feel as I would like to.”
"It is not what you feel that is so important, but what you believe. Are you anxious to be saved?”
"Indeed, I am, very anxious.”
"And when do you wish to get salvation?”
"O, at once. Tonight surely if I can," was her eager reply.
"Well, you may have it now, if you believe what God says in His Word.
"The Word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart; that is the Word of faith, which we preach; that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Rom. 10:8, 9.
"Do you understand that? Do you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God hath raised Him from the dead?”
"I do indeed.”
"Tell me for whom He died.”
"He died for me.”
"You believe that?”
"Indeed I do.”
"And did He die for your sins?”
"I believe He did.”
"And has He done all that was necessary for your salvation?”
"I believe He has.”
"Yes, and God has raised Him from the dead, because all is done. Do you believe that also?”
"I do, I really believe in Him.”
"And are you prepared to confess—you do confess the Lord Jesus with your mouth?”
"Yes, I gladly do.”
"Good; then God says, 'Thou shalt be saved!' Will you be saved do you think?”
"I would like to be.”
"Hear what God says, "Thou shalt be saved.”
"That is delightful!" she exclaimed.
"Yes, indeed it is; if any one asked you, are you saved? what would you say?”
"I don't feel that I could say that I am.”
"It is not what you feel, but what God says about the one who believes and confesses with the mouth. He says to such, "Thou shalt be saved," and if He says, "Thou shalt be saved," is it not equal to saying, "Thou art saved?" She did not quite see through this, so I said, "Would you rather have a promissory note for $5.00, or a $5.00 gold piece?”
"They are both like in value.”
"True, but one is gold, and the other is, "I promise to pay $5.00." Now, God's Note is, "Thou shalt be saved," whereas the gold might stand for, "Thou art saved." This is just what Eph. 2:8 says, "For by grace are ye saved." Again in Luke 7, the Lord gave a woman like you, the knowledge of pardon, salvation and peace, in twelve words. It was a short sermon, but what a complete one, "Thy sins are forgiven. Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace." What wonderful words, "Thy sins are forgiven." Are you the woman He is speaking to now?”
"I am. I believe He will forgive me." "Go on. What next does He say?”
"'Thy faith hath saved thee.' I believe it. I see it distinctly. It is so plain. I am saved. Thank God." And her tears of joy fell fast.
Thus she entered into peace and rest of conscience, and we bowed the knee, and thanked God for His wondrous salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ.
Reader, can you thank God for so great salvation?
"How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?" Heb. 2:3.
"Neither is there salvation in any other (the Lord Jesus Christ): for there is none other Name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Acts 4:12.